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05/06/2024 - 09:30 - 14:30

Zero waste day

Coinciding with World Environment Day on June 5th, the Grandvalira Resorts stations are organizing a waste collection day on the slopes. With the aim of raising awareness among our staff and customers, a waste collection day will be held at the stations. Volunteers and nature lovers will come together to clean trails and recreational areas, collecting litter and promoting environmental awareness. This initiative seeks to protect our natural landscapes and ensure long-term sustainability.

Grandvalira Resorts invites everyone to participate and contribute to the preservation of our mountains, inspiring others to take care of our planet and keep it clean.

Meeting points


Sector Grau Roig

  • Time: at 9 am.
  • Location: Cubil parking lot.
  • Snack: at the Pulka cafeteria-bar.

Sector Soldeu

  • Time: at 8:50 am.
  • Location: on foot at the Soldeu gondola (in front of the ticket offices).
  • Snack: on the terrace of Gall del Bosc.

Ordino Arcalís

Sector la Coma

  • Time: at 9 am.
  • Location: La Coma (between the La Coma Restaurant and the Creussans chairlift line).
  • Snack: on the terrace of La Coma Restaurant.

Pal Arinsal

Sector Pal

  • Time: at 9 am.
  • Location: La Caubella, L'Expresso Bar Restaurant.
  • Snack: at L'Expresso Bar Restaurant.


Register now by sending an email with the following information to:

  • First and last name
  • Company (if it is a collective)
  • Sector chosen 
  • Phone